EVOCA project
The Umubu Radar is initiated in the context of the Environmental Virtual Observatories for Connective Action project (EVOCA). EVOCA aims to apply citizen science in combination with ICT tools in order to help scientists and research to understand societal problems and to explore possibilities on how to overcome those societal problems.
In collaboration with the University of Rwanda and Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands, the EVOCA project started in January 2016 and enrolled 2 PhD students in Life sciences and social sciences. The title of this subproject is "Environmental Virtual Observatories for Collective Action in Malaria disease management". This project aims to study a citizen science approach in malaria mosquito surveillance and control. Furthermore, the project aims to elucidate the malaria mosquito populations to be provided through the citizen science approach using a web-based platform and how this platform contribute to consistent use of malaria preventive measures among local community members in Ruhuha, one of the 15 administrative sectors of Bugesera district in the Eastern province of Rwanda.