Nature reports
Publisher: Wageningen Marine Research
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A recent pilot study shows that nests of the Lesser Antillean iguana on Sint Eustatius are used by several other plant and animal species. They use the nests at least for cooling, hunting, and reproduction. This underscores the..
Marine protected areas (MPAs), which legally protect important marine and coastal ecosystems, often have more reef sharks than non-protected areas. A new study in Nature Ecology and Evolution finds that conservation benefits..
For cold-blooded species, temperature determines their activity and metabolism: if it is warm enough, they become active and if it gets too cold, they remain still. But apart from temperature, fish respond to more environmental..
According to a new study published in Science last week, reef sharks are facing extinction due to overfishing. The five main species that live on coral reefs have declined rapidly. Protected areas and fisheries management are the..
Florida is a hotspot for non-native species including many reptiles, which are spreading unchecked to the Caribbean. The Peters’s rock agama, a lizard native to sub-Saharan Africa, is among the latest species to spread from..
In recent years, the fishing industry has been working with scientists to investigate the sustainable catching of Spisula subtruncata, a North Sea shellfish. Bird conservationists also participated, working together to gain more..
Research of Wageningen University & Research has identified a recent incursion of non-native iguanas on Saba, which form a major threat to the endemic melanistic iguana population. A promising study shows a new methodology with..
Researchers from Van Hall Larenstein, Wageningen University and Wageningen Marine Research have developed a new approach to assist Diadema sea urchins’ natural recovery. In collaboration with the Saba Conservation Foundation, they..
In the night of Sunday 2 to Monday 3 May, a Nathusius' pipistrelle flew from Minsmere in England directly to Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands). This is the first detection of such a crossing from England to the Netherlands through the..
Researchers from Wageningen University and Research compiled thousands of photographs taken on Bonaire to analyze tourist activities and highlight the most common visited locations. Understanding the visitortypes and how they are..