Nature reports

File: Drought

Page 1 of 1 - 10 Results


Climate change has an effect on forests and trees. They suffer from heatwaves and periods of drought. Although we see tree mortality increase as a result, much is still unknown about the underlying mechanisms. ..

Continue reading 17 April 2024   11 mnd oud

Tropical rainforests hold a wealth of biodiversity, but are globally approaching a critical point. The drastic decline is happening faster than expected, concludes an international research team. The team includes biologist Hans..

Continue reading 17 February 2024   1 jaar oud
Amazon canopy

In certain areas in the Amazon, forests that were altered by humans during the past several hundred years may contain higher abundances of plant species that are more resilient to modern fire or drought events. ..

Continue reading 05 August 2023   1 jaar oud

Why do some plants grow into large woody shrubs or colossal trees, while others remain small and never produce wood in their stems? It’s an evolutionary puzzle that already baffled Charles Darwin more than 160 year ago. Now,..

Continue reading 10 September 2022   2 jaar oud
Medewerkers op de kwekerij

It is dryer than usual in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado savanna. The wet season started two weeks later than expected, and since then it has been raining irregularly. This has an impact on reforestation projects, that are..

Continue reading 27 January 2021   4 jaar oud

The water levels of the Caspian Sea will be 9 to 18 meters lower than they are now, German and Dutch researchers calculate. In the Nature-journal Communications Earth & Environment they urge the world to act...

Continue reading 26 December 2020   4 jaar oud
Brand vlakbij

They were all over the news in August and September: the massive forest fires in South America. Thousands of hectares burned down and many precious natural areas were destroyed. In this disastrous and dangerous environment,..

Continue reading 31 October 2019   5 jaar oud

The soil plays an important role in determining the climate adaptability of plants. A soil that has favourable growing conditions, strengthens plant resilience against heat and drought, but a soil with adverse conditions is..

Continue reading 29 June 2019   5 jaar oud
Door storm en ouderdom is een open plek in het berkenbos ontstaan

Forests around the world are at risk of death due to widespread drought, University of Stirling researchers have found. An analysis suggests that forests are at risk globally from the increased frequency and severity of droughts...

Continue reading 16 June 2017   7 jaar oud
African elephant

Climate change impacts on wildlife, people and livestock in Kenya are becoming more and more visible. Currently a drought in southern Kenya the Maasai community already suffered a 35% loss of their livestock. An African Wildlife..

Continue reading 04 December 2015   9 jaar oud
