Nature reports

Publisher: Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)

Page 19 of 19 - 186 Results

Sint Maarten is the first Dutch Caribbean island where the new coral disease ‘Stony Coral Tissue Loss disease’ has recently been discovered. Between 50 and 90 percent of Sint Maarten’s stony coral has either been infected or has..

Continue reading 14 March 2019   5 jaar oud
Door ontbossing en overbegrazing door loslopend vee kan de bodem niet meer worden vastgehouden door begroeiing en ontstaat erosie.  Regenwater en wind zorgen ervoor dat de grond in zee eindigt wat samen met ongezuiverd afvalwater een grote bedreiging vormt voor de koraalriffen.

Wageningen University recently published an alarming report on the threatened natural resources on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), together with local park organizations, urge the local..

Continue reading 06 March 2019   5 jaar oud
Saba reptiel

On Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten and the Saba Bank there are a minimum of 35 animal and plant species that exist nowhere else in the world, so-called endemics. Additionally, 188 species are specific just to the surrounding..

Continue reading 13 February 2019   5 jaar oud

The Dutch Caribbean islands are home to the most extraordinary ecosystems within the Kingdom of the Netherlands: from pristine coral reefs to elfin cloud forest; the spectacular natural world of these islands includes species..

Continue reading 06 February 2019   5 jaar oud
A doctorfish infected with dermal parasites

In 2013 Dr. Martin de Graaf from IMARES noted an unusually high number of coral reef fish at the Salt Pier on Bonaire, infected with dermal parasites. Similar observations of coral reef fish on Curaçao revealed rates of infection..

Continue reading 15 October 2015   9 jaar oud
Invasive goats

Recent studies have recorded 211 alien invasive species in the Dutch Caribbean, ranging from lionfish to boa constrictors, iguanas, plants and bugs. These include 27 introduced marine species, 65 introduced terrestrial plants, 72..

Continue reading 02 October 2015   9 jaar oud
