Nature reports

File: Weather impacts

Page 3 of 5 - 42 Results

Last May, the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)‘s research intern Nina Zander requested citizens on Bonaire to complete a questionnaire. This questionnaire was part of her research into how resilient Bonairian households are..

Continue reading 22 October 2022   2 jaar oud

Why do some plants grow into large woody shrubs or colossal trees, while others remain small and never produce wood in their stems? It’s an evolutionary puzzle that already baffled Charles Darwin more than 160 year ago. Now,..

Continue reading 10 September 2022   2 jaar oud
Mangrove channel

The mangrove forest of Lac Bay, Bonaire, is experiencing a die-off of trees in its northern area. Increasing the tidal exchange by creek restoration likely enlarges the living conditions of the mangrove trees. A collaboration..

Continue reading 29 August 2022   2 jaar oud
Tropical Storm

Caribbean islands are at the forefront of the climate crisis, with effects already starting to become noticeable in the region. This year, DCNA launched a Climate action plan for the Dutch Caribbean. This plan provides concrete..

Continue reading 27 July 2022   2 jaar oud
Red mangrove propagules

Since 2020, the Mangrove Maniacs have planted over 1500 mangroves along the southwest coast of Bonaire. A new collaborative project with Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences monitored and mapped these newly planted..

Continue reading 04 July 2022   2 jaar oud

Sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere into tropical vegetation has been suggested as a mitigating factor of anthropogenically elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. A new study now shows that over the long term there is..

Continue reading 10 May 2022   2 jaar oud
Witte klaver in de stad van Hiroshima in Japan bij de atoombom koepel.

A global biological study has provided the most direct evidence to date that humans, and specifically cities, are the drivers of evolutionary change on earth. Leiden University, the municipality of Leiden and Naturalis..

Continue reading 19 March 2022   3 jaar oud

Year-to-year fluctuations in seawater temperature are partly responsible for the much slower ups and downs in the abundance of marine fish stocks. This is the conclusion from a worldwide study conducted by Wageningen University &..

Continue reading 18 January 2022   3 jaar oud

In the Loobos forest near Kootwijk, a huge steel structure was erected to facilitate research on greenhouse gases. It was officially opened on Friday 12 November 2021. Among other things, the CO2 absorption by the surrounding..

Continue reading 17 November 2021   3 jaar oud
Increased rain runoff due to a changing climate has been impacting the coral reefs of the Dutch Caribbean, including  the coral reefs of Bonaire.

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) expressed its concern to the Dutch Government about the lack of attention to the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean Netherlands. The Dutch Caribbean islands expect to face very..

Continue reading 29 October 2021   3 jaar oud
